I decided to do a media-themed 7 QT this week, since a lot of my favorites happened to be on the internet, so get ready for that...
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Current jam: Good Old War. If you haven't listened to them, check out my favorites:
I love their beardedness and the the simple vocals and the harmonies and the general vibe. Check 'em out.
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I recently finished watching Friends in its entirety (I always misspell that stupid word) (also don't judge me because I need some background noise while I work) so I decided to watch The Mindy Project. It is AWESOME. I knew I loved Mindy from her stint on the Office, and her book has been on my list of to-read for awhile, especially after I finished Tina Fey's awesome Bossypants (highly highly recommend), so I figured I'd like her show.
I was wrong. I LOVE her show. Some inapprops/language disclaimer, but worth it.
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This high language-disclaimer piece from McSweeney's which is Comic Sans in persona and defending themselves for all the crap it gets. As a font and typsetting nerd, I really appreciated it.
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Mandi also discovered this website the same week I did - so although she added it to her 7QT, I'm going to as well because one of my favorite things to do in the summer is drive around and hope that people have their lights on and their blinds/shades still open so I can see in peoples' houses. It may be creepy but it is so FUN at the same time...I just am amazed at the amount of information I don't know about all these people when I can see them. This project is a pretty good reflection of that.
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In a similar to #3 nerd-esque font type vein, this link is a super cool repository of old-style font and type on anything and everything you can imagine. I'm in love with it, because it's fascinating and cool to see all these old products and signs.
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I've become obsessed with this experiment in dating I've been reading over the last few weeks. It's about two good friends in New York who never could hold onto a serious relationship, so they decide to date for 40 days to see what happens. Although it has some aspects of relationships in the world that I never would subscribe to it's still absolutely FASCINATING. I'm a sucker for reading about real people (biographies get to me) and in a cool format and stuff like this? I'm in. Check it out if you want to waste some time someday.
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I've been absolutely drooling over these gorgeous dresses at Hazel and Olive. I'm so indecisive that I haven't bought one yet, but I am in love with every article they sell - and pretty darn good prices, too, which is always a plus.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
Love that dress! And I read mindy's book. I thought it was better than bossypants.